Our Services
Customer Services

We are committed to your total satisfaction:

INSTALLATION: Machinery is expertly installed on-site and on-time

FIELD SERVICES: Committed to maintaining your machinery LEASING Make the acquisition of equipment easy and affordable

TURN-KEY PROJECT: We provide solution from concept to commisioning SERVICE REQUEST Contact us for the Service Request

We take pride in our timely and efficient customer service We have a team of qualified technicians available for machine specific training, telephone support, and on-site installation. Our customer service hotline provides quick response to customer calls for technical help and parts orders from 8 am to 5 pm (GMT +5 hrs) Monday through Friday. We have a stock of commonly used parts on-hand and can have replacement parts shipped to you within 24 hours. INSTALLATION All Equipment is Installed by our Skilled Technicians Expertly Installation services are available with all new machine purchases. Our factory trained and certified technicians can install, train, and commission your new packaging and processing equipment. We have a team of qualified installers who serve customers located around the world. FIELD SERVICE KEW’s qualified, skilled technicians are available for trouble shooting, on-site problem solving to insure your equipment is up and running smoothly. Technical support is also available through our customer service representatives, who can answer machine-specific questions and provide preventative maintenance tips and troubleshooting assistance. Contact your sales representative for field service rates. All our equipment includes a one-year warranty on non-wear parts and labor LEASING KEW Mechanical Corp. is pleased to offer several attractive financing plans which make the acquisition of our equipment as easy and affordable as possible. Just as KEW’s full range of equipment is designed to meet your packaging and processing needs, our financing programs will minimize your cost of acquisition and maximize your return on investment. Transactions can be structured in a variety of ways to meet your cash flow requirements and take full advantage of leasing’s tax benefits. The Advantages of Equipment Leasing… Leasing Conserves Capital Additional Source of Credit Expand Your Budget Payment Amount is Fixed Potential Tax Advantages Leasing Matches Benefits and Costs Leasing Includes Cost of Acquisition End of Term Flexibility Transfer Ownership Risk to Bank Obsolescence is Obsolete Improves Financial Ratios Avoid Restrictive Loan Covenants Reduce Alternative Minimum Tax Liability Please find below contact information for some of our preferred equipment leasing vendors. You may apply with a simple form right on the some of these companies websites. NOTE: We are working over to provide this facility to our customers, and will be available soon. TURNKEY PROJECT We Provide Solution from Concept To Commissioning We provide Turn-Key project for Tablet, Capsule, Liquid Oral, Dry Syrup, Ointment & Injectable Pharmaceutical Formulations as per WHO GMP norms. We provide all the services related to pharmaceutical formulation industry from concept to commissioning. KEW has hired a number of professional consultants having rich experience to provide the best service to our valuable clients. CIVIL WORK We have a team of experienced Architectures and Civil Engineers, We build logically designed project for easy material handling to save time, money and power. We have served so many companies with our technical excellency for concealed wiring, clean room system, air lock system, arrangement for sterile area, water treatment arrangement. LEGAL MATTER We are having liaison office in Pakistan to handle the legal matters with FDA (Food & Drug Authority).They are having regular work with the FDA department, so they are very much familiar with the routine procedure. TECHNICAL SUPPORT We provide the technical know-how for setting up the formula of Pharmaceutical Formulations. We are having no. of formula with proven track record . We also provide technical support to prepare documents required for Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing sheet, In-process controls, Packing sheet, etc… as per WHO GMP. We provide perfect solution for all your need.


Machinery & Parts Salse Policies & Procedures


  •  All purchased machinery is to be prepaid prior to shipment from KEW.
  •  All Local Customers must pay 50% of the total payment in advance, 25% at half of the delivery time given at the time of order and remaining 25% prior to shipment.
  • All International Customers must pay full payment in advance at the time order.
  • Credit may be established ONLY for parts and services: NO CREDIT is extended on machinery.
  • KEW does not accept any credit card.


  • C. O. D. orders on “parts” will be accepted only with faxed proof of certified funds for the amount. A $15 processing charge will be applied to all C. O. D. orders; a $25 processing charge will be assessed on all refused or undeliverable orders.


  • Shipping, Handling, and Crating charges are assessed on all orders. Unless otherwise specified, KEW will Prepay and add shipping, Handling and Crating charges.
  • All orders are shipped through TCS, OCS, PPS, FedEx, DHL or Speedx. For large machinery shipments, KEW will select an appropriate carrier unless otherwise instructed in writing. KEW assesses a $50 processing charge to coordinate with alternate carriers.


  • Stock parts and machinery ship within fifteen (15) days from the date of written paid order.
  • For Custom Machines, allow between 6-12 weeks from receipt of deposit.
  • If Urgent delivery is required, an additional RUSH charge will be assessed via Bank Draft/Check. In addition, Urgent orders require full payment via certified funds prior to beginning RUSH order fulfillment. Standard shipping, handling, and crating charges apply as described above.


  • Machinery orders can be placed either by phone, fax or e-mail.
  • A customer service representative will confirm all orders in writing if requested. The KEW Order Desk is reachable at +92-42-6856744, +92-42-6545578 and may be faxed directly at +92-42-6860449. E-mail orders to sales@kew.com.pk


  • All machinery sales are FINAL.
  • KEW assumes no liability for lost production contracts, bankruptcies, etc., and reserves the right to accept machinery for resale or exchange at its sole discretion.
  • All non-warranty returns that are accepted for resale or exchange will be assessed a 35% restocking charge, which is due prior to RMA issuance – see below.


  • If the machine is disassembled during installation. KEW will not be responsible for any malfunctioning, lost of production.
  • All machines must be operated by Qualified Trained Engineers. An untrained unqualified person may cause damage to machines and ultimately loss of production. KEW will not be responsible for any accident that occur during usage of its machines.
  • All Spare Parts must be purchased from KEW, wrong placement of parts can cause serious damage to machine and ultimately loss of production.


  • All Spare Parts must be purchased from KEW, wrong replacement of parts can cause serious damage to machines and ultimately loss of production.
  • Warranty replacement parts may be ordered from customer service by phone when obtaining a RAN. The warranty replacement part will be shipped as soon as possible and the packaging may then be used to return the part to be replaced. Include the RAN on the outer package as noted above.
  • The part to be replaced will be evaluated and credit will be issued pending KEW’s determination, provided that the part to be replaced is returned to KEW within fourteen (14) days after the warranty replacement part is received. Shipping and handling policies will still apply as described above.
  • For warranty returns, be certain to enclose a detailed note explaining the problem with the machinery as well as the name of the manager with ultimate responsibility for the machinery, the phone number and return shipping address. Properly insure the returning package, as KEW will not be held responsible for uninsured packages. Keep all shipping receipts.
  • Reconditioned or replaced parts and machinery are shipped back freight collect, F. O. B. KEW, Lahore PAKISTAN.


  • A Return Authorization Number (RAN) is to be obtained by phone and is required to process all returns.
  • The name of the manager with ultimate responsibility for the machinery and machinery serial number will be required, also please have your original packing slip or invoice available to expedite RMA processing.
KEW is uniquely able to economically custom-tailor packaging machinery to specific needs and applications. Each custom application will be evaluated and handled on a case-by-case basis. Custom and modified equipment is sold under the following terms and conditions.

  • KEW may assess an evaluation charge of $100 for each application, which may be applied as credit to the eventual order.
  • KEW reserves the right to refuse projects after evaluation.
  • Sample material and containers are required prior to quotation.
  • Samples will not be returned.
  • All modifications to quoted design specifications must be submitted by the customer in writing, at additional cost due and payable at the time of changes.
  • KEW will deliver custom and/or modified equipment within 6-12 weeks or more unless otherwise specified in writing.


  • Payment terms are 50% of the quoted amount on deposit at the time of order.
  • The balance plus shipping due, as described above, prior to delivery.
  • The date KEW receives the deposit is the official order date.
  • Deposit is only refundable within fourteen (14) days of order date, except for; raw material purchases, engineering time, and incidental expenses incurred.


  • The total quoted amount of the equipment is due and payable in the event of client-based cancellation after fourteen (14) days of order date.
  • If modifications and custom specifications are dictated directly by the client, rather than fitness or merchantability for a particular product or purpose, no returns or credits may be issued on custom or modified equipment. In addition KEW will not be responsible for any wrong designs and specifications dictated by client.
  • All designs and custom product characteristics are proprietary and owned by KEW unless otherwise specified in writing by both client and officers of KEW.
Extended warranties are available:
KEW warrants its machinery to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and will replace or repair any non-wear part(s) free of additional charge should there be a factory defect, provided it is discovered and reported to KEW in writing within one year of receipt of goods.

KEW reserves the right to determine causes of part failure, if any, and to act accordingly.

  • KEW’s warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, transportation, normal wear of parts, specified, and/or alteration or repairs made by non-KEW-approved technicians.
  • KEW makes no claims, expressed or implied, as to its machinery being explosion-proof, or as to its fitness or merchantability for a particular product or purpose.
  • The machinery will operate as advertised in KEW literature.
  • KEW reserves the right to offer remedies to the purchasing party only as described herein, and to act as sole arbiter in the event of dispute.
  •  To obtain repairs, whether or not covered by KEW’s warranty, purchasing party must ship machinery to the KEW factory prepaid, and repaired machinery will be returned freight collect.
  •  KEW shall not be held liable in any event for direct, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damaged, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise.
  •  Equipment replaced under warranty shall have the same warranty as new equipment, but does not extend the warranty of the original equipment.
  •  Statements and/or recommendations not contained in accordance with the laws of the State of Pakistan, and proceedings for enforcement of the provisions given herein or recovery of damaged in the event of breach shall have venue in Lahore, Pakistan.