Customer Services |
We are committed to your total satisfaction:
INSTALLATION: Machinery is expertly installed on-site and on-time
FIELD SERVICES: Committed to maintaining your machinery LEASING Make the acquisition of equipment easy and affordable
TURN-KEY PROJECT: We provide solution from concept to commisioning SERVICE REQUEST Contact us for the Service Request
We take pride in our timely and efficient customer service We have a team of qualified technicians available for machine specific training, telephone support, and on-site installation. Our customer service hotline provides quick response to customer calls for technical help and parts orders from 8 am to 5 pm (GMT +5 hrs) Monday through Friday. We have a stock of commonly used parts on-hand and can have replacement parts shipped to you within 24 hours. INSTALLATION All Equipment is Installed by our Skilled Technicians Expertly Installation services are available with all new machine purchases. Our factory trained and certified technicians can install, train, and commission your new packaging and processing equipment. We have a team of qualified installers who serve customers located around the world. FIELD SERVICE KEW’s qualified, skilled technicians are available for trouble shooting, on-site problem solving to insure your equipment is up and running smoothly. Technical support is also available through our customer service representatives, who can answer machine-specific questions and provide preventative maintenance tips and troubleshooting assistance. Contact your sales representative for field service rates. All our equipment includes a one-year warranty on non-wear parts and labor LEASING KEW Mechanical Corp. is pleased to offer several attractive financing plans which make the acquisition of our equipment as easy and affordable as possible. Just as KEW’s full range of equipment is designed to meet your packaging and processing needs, our financing programs will minimize your cost of acquisition and maximize your return on investment. Transactions can be structured in a variety of ways to meet your cash flow requirements and take full advantage of leasing’s tax benefits. The Advantages of Equipment Leasing… Leasing Conserves Capital Additional Source of Credit Expand Your Budget Payment Amount is Fixed Potential Tax Advantages Leasing Matches Benefits and Costs Leasing Includes Cost of Acquisition End of Term Flexibility Transfer Ownership Risk to Bank Obsolescence is Obsolete Improves Financial Ratios Avoid Restrictive Loan Covenants Reduce Alternative Minimum Tax Liability Please find below contact information for some of our preferred equipment leasing vendors. You may apply with a simple form right on the some of these companies websites. NOTE: We are working over to provide this facility to our customers, and will be available soon. TURNKEY PROJECT We Provide Solution from Concept To Commissioning We provide Turn-Key project for Tablet, Capsule, Liquid Oral, Dry Syrup, Ointment & Injectable Pharmaceutical Formulations as per WHO GMP norms. We provide all the services related to pharmaceutical formulation industry from concept to commissioning. KEW has hired a number of professional consultants having rich experience to provide the best service to our valuable clients. CIVIL WORK We have a team of experienced Architectures and Civil Engineers, We build logically designed project for easy material handling to save time, money and power. We have served so many companies with our technical excellency for concealed wiring, clean room system, air lock system, arrangement for sterile area, water treatment arrangement. LEGAL MATTER We are having liaison office in Pakistan to handle the legal matters with FDA (Food & Drug Authority).They are having regular work with the FDA department, so they are very much familiar with the routine procedure. TECHNICAL SUPPORT We provide the technical know-how for setting up the formula of Pharmaceutical Formulations. We are having no. of formula with proven track record . We also provide technical support to prepare documents required for Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing sheet, In-process controls, Packing sheet, etc… as per WHO GMP. We provide perfect solution for all your need.